Sunday, December 13, 2009

Jack In The Box Actor Who Is The Better Actor: Robert Pattinson Or Jack Nicholson?

Who is the better actor: Robert Pattinson or Jack Nicholson? - jack in the box actor

I know you can not compare apples and oranges, and in this specific case, I do nothing else than to listen to, I see many similarities in the talents of Robert Pattinson as the starting point now, "It was the actor Jack Nicholson has a start and W. Pattinson adequate preparation may well be greater than ever before Nicholson.

I mean, already in his career, Twilight and Harry Potter (had 2 blockbusters) and an upcoming Little Ashes of 3 and W. Competition One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, A Few Good Men, Easy Rider, The Shining, Batman, tenderness , The Departed, About Schmidt, Something's Gotta Give, As Good As It Gets, Chinatown, Five Easy Pieces, Nicholson, and another movie.


Colour <3 said...

LOL Nicholson is a legend. We still have much to do before we can fairly compare Pattinson.

Both are very talented, I agree, but Nicholson has more experience. It seems a little Pattinson paid much attention to her appearance ... I'm not saying it's a bad actor or something, but people know more about the fact that it is warm, but as his talent for comedy.

Loober said...

Jack, seeing by far, chat in the middle Bucket List and it is as good as Morgan Freeman.

The Hat said...

Who the hell is Robert Pattinson?

terryrat... said...

Jack at the moment, remember the movie with the famous phrase: "or if you can not handle verdad''''u who want to know the truth''

Sacha Redux said...

Is this a trick question?

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